Irest Massage Chair Reviews 2021 – Complete Guide

iRest Massage Chairs – Introduction 

Back rub seats were intended to mirror the movements and procedures of a masseuse, and are planned to diminish pressure and lighten back torment. 

They have made considerable progress as far as state of the art innovation since the time they were acquainted with purchasers in the last part of the 1980s. 

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The expanding prevalence of the back rub seat brought forth organizations committed to giving inventive items, yet only one out of every odd organization is something very similar. 

iRest stands apart among them as one of the principal producers of back rub seats on the planet. 

Established in 2003, iRest Massage Chair keeps on spearheading as a wellbeing science and innovation item provider and specialist organization. 

Their obligation to assembling and advertising excellent items created through escalated innovative work has never faltered a little. 

iRest is completely strong of the public authority’s “Made In China 2025.” It is a key and long haul design of keeping a strategic advantage in the worldwide business sectors by giving savvy items that will upgrade their clients’ wellbeing as well as set out better open doors for their workers. 

With base camp in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, iRest today trades its items to Southeast Asia, Russia, America, Europe, and the Middle East. 

The iRest brand name is currently enrolled in excess of 100 nations, and the organization holds more than 300 licensed innovation freedoms, 12 licenses, and surprisingly 2 digital books. 

The 2 Best iRest Massage Chairs Are: 

iRest 2020 Massage Chair (Most Affordable) 

iRest SL Track Massage Chair (Most High Tech) 

How about we presently have a more critical glance at these two back rub seats and examine their provisions, upsides and downsides: 

iRest Massage Chair Review

The iRest Massage Chair is a full-body zero gravity chair that is loaded with a huge load of stunning elements intended to give you the best back rub insight and that’s just the beginning. 

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irest 2020 back rub seat 

Actually take a look at Price Here 

Item Specifications 

Model: A306-8 

Evaluated Voltage: 110V-120V ~ 60Hz 

Evaluated Power: 120W 

Max. Weight Capacity: 330lbs 

Stature Range: 5’25” – 6’23” 

Lean back Angle: 90-180 Degree 

Seat Width: 19.69″ 

Lean back Clearance: 1.96″ 

Key Features 

Simulated intelligence Voice Control 

One of the iRest 2020 Massage Chair’s remarkable provisions is the AI Voice Control. 

You can utilize your voice to change the elements of the back rub seat with voice control passage words. 

Partake in the diverse back rub methods and modes without making the slightest effort. 

Programmed Body Scan 

At the point when you turn on the seat, it will consequently check your stature, weight, and shoulder width, and naturally change the right back rub focuses for you. 

5 Massage Techniques 

The seat offers 5 back rub procedures including finger squeezing, manipulating, tapping, tapping, and plying, and every one of the 5 methods all simultaneously. 

12 Automatic Massage Functions 

irest 2020 back rub seat rub graph 

It additionally offers 12 programmed knead capacities including loosening up rub, agreeable back rub, shoulder and neck rub, foothold rub, back and midsection rub, vertebral back rub, entire body rub, weariness recuperation, muscle extending, butt cheek forming, rest instigating, and full pneumatic stress. 

Handrail Shortcut Key 

On the off chance that you favor the outdated strategy, you can change everything on the handrail alternate route key situated on the right armrest. 

You will track down the on/off, stop, auto mode, voice awaken, and seat point change buttons. 

You can likewise change the hotness, pneumatic stress, zero gravity, foot and backrest lifting from here. 

Actually take a look at Price Here 

Upsides and downsides 

The iRest 2020 Massage Chair, beside the astonishing elements referenced above, adds an unheard of level of unwinding with its Yoga Stretching Function. 

It handily extends your entire body while playing out a blend of working, tapping, and Shiatsu rubbing. 

It likewise permits you to pay attention to your cherished music or acknowledge calls with its Bluetooth innovation on top notch speakers, making your back rub experience considerably more lovely and unwinding. 

One disadvantage for a couple of would-be purchasers was the cost. It is truly one of the pricier choices in the market today. 

Most clients, notwithstanding, swear on the adequacy of this seat in lightening their sensitive muscles and backs that its sticker price was “a little cost to pay” in return for the help they get. 


Beside the back rub and extending capacities this seat has to bring to the table, the alleviating 104F back heat treatment mitigates sore muscles or harmed tissues as well as further develops blood flow, also. 

iRest Massage Chair Reviews 

The iRest SL Track Massage Chair Recliner is another full-body zero gravity rub seat and chair with added highlights in a more smoothed out and conservative plan. 

irest sl track knead seat 

Really look at Price Here 

Item Specifications 

Model: A303-6 

Evaluated Voltage: 110V-120V~ 50Hz 

Evaluated Power: 120W 

Reserve Power: 0.1-1W 

Pneumatic force: 0.02-0.028MPa 

Commotion: ≤ 60dB 

Max. Weight Capacity: 330lbs 

Tallness Range: 5’25” – 6’23” 

Key Features 

Wise Mechanical Massage Hands 

This back rub seat’s various back rub capacities are intended to copy the genuine plying, squeezing, crushing, pushing, fluttering, holding, winding, and swinging activities of a real expert masseuse to adequately chip away at the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebra. 

Programmed Body Scan 

At the point when the seat is turned on, it will consequently check your body to alter the specific back rub focuses as indicated by your tallness, weight, and shoulder width. 

6 Auto Massage Modes 

The auto back rub modes incorporate a full-body mode for individuals in a hurry, a loosening up mode for pressure alleviation, neck and shoulder mode for the people who work on PCs the entire day, stretch and magnificence mode for the cutting edge lady, back and midsection mode for the homemakers, and the solace mode for our older folks. 

Customizable Width 

The S-molded massagers in the backrest are intended to oblige wide, medium, and thin clients to give a cozy and skintight back rub insight. 

Full Body Airbags 

irest sl track knead seat air rub chart 

The airbags are deliberately positioned to knead you from the shoulders, arms, calves, and feet. 

They can be changed by what you wanted: full body, arms, and legs. 

The power and pneumatic force can likewise be changed in 3 ways. 

Expanded Calf 

The calf rest casing can be handily acclimated to suit clients of various statures. 

You get a full body knead from head to foot. 

Really take a look at Price Here 

Upsides and downsides 

This back rub seat additionally flaunts remote Bluetooth speakers situated on the upper arm region that you can associate your telephone or tablet to so you can pay attention to music while having a back rub. 

The lower back warming capacity that gives 104F loosening up heat adds one more degree of help to focused on muscles and back torments. It can support cell recovery and adjusted digestion. 

One thing conflicting with this seat is the cost. 

Albeit not so costly as the iRest 2020 A306-8, it is as yet one of the pricier choices. 


The airbags on the legs give an additional an unwinding and soothing back rub insight with its Thai foot rub work that packs the leg muscles and the whole instep. 

iRest Massage Chairs – Conclusion 

iRest are at the cutting edge of super advanced, customer cognizant back rub seats. 

While their seats might be somewhat more costly than most, the unwinding and solace that accompany these seats, also the total customization and usefulness, make the speculation amazingly beneficial.

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